Increase Efficiency Automating Purchase Orders with Custom Software

A reseller of subscription software services manually input their invoicing and payment collection process each month. Mutually Human built a custom software solution which integrates with multiple systems (the software provider, their invoicing system, and a payment processing system) in order to streamline and automate the entire billing process.

Streamline Internal Operations

A regional trucking and logistic company offering a range of services including truckload delivery services, warehousing, etc needed a system to streamline their internal operations end-to-end. Mutually Human has worked with this company for 2+ years to create and maintain a robust system used to manage internal operations including scheduling, time keeping, billing, and much more. They have invested in building a full system to handle their unique needs across their full operation. The system includes integrations with a service to track their trucks, a document scanning service, and accounting software.


Wanting to reduce and remove non-value adding work, our customer looked to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) as a solution. Automation would enable customer service representatives to reduce the number of manual hours it would take to input data into purchase orders. Implementing a bot to do the work also prevented errors and the need for any rework.

Prior to automation, Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) would take order documents and manually enter them into SAP. Hundreds of CSRs globally were required to process the high volume of daily orders. We implemented a suite of automations which supported multiple languages and had the capability to read multiple, multi-page documents and tables in purchase orders.

Benefits and Results

The client took into consideration multiple factors while selecting an automation platform. The key priority was to establish enterprise-grade quality, speed of deployment of the product, and the company’s flexibility in terms of tech support, training and licensing models. Automation Anywhere scored highly on all the above parameters.

After a successful 6-month proof-of-value, EY and Automation Anywhere worked together to extend the Automation Anywhere solution to other areas of the client’s global operations, beyond its SCM function.


Projected hours
saved annually




errors which previously
slowed process completion

Self-service sign up

In the past, companies looking to purchase the uMap™ tool had to talk to the BU sales team. Now, companies ready to use this powerful tool can purchase the uMap™ tool online. The software walks the purchasers through an easy onboarding process to get them from purchase to up-and-running in very little time!

Create a unique uMap™

Creating a uMap™ is simple, yet very informative and inspiring. Each employee is guided through a series of questions that tap into both their professional and personal self.


The uMap™ software comes complete with features allowing managers to complete a review process using each employee’s unique uMap™. 

Gain insight through reports

When employees fill out a uMap™ there is a lot of information that could be very beneficial to their company. What training do their employees need? Who are the influencers in the organization? 

Great projects start with a great conversation.