Transforming An Education Management System to Enhance Learning Success

A widely adopted nine-week correspondence summer math and reading program faced challenges with its existing management system. The collaborative effort between their educational program team and our development team resulted in a modernized management system that not only addresses existing challenges but also positions the program for future growth and success. The enhanced capabilities of the system contribute to the program’s mission of supporting students in retaining essential skills over the summer, ensuring a smoother transition into the next school year.

Business Problem

A widely adopted nine-week correspondence summer math and reading program in the West Michigan area faced challenges with its existing management system. The need for a more efficient, streamlined, and automated system became imperative. The issues included managing student data, scoring processes, and generating essential reports for the participating districts


Phase 1 – Modernize The Basic System
In the initial phase, our team replaced the outdated management database with a modernized system. The basic system introduced user-friendly features accessible on both PCs and mobile devices, allowing easy navigation and data entry. The system empowered administrators to manage users, control access permissions, and track changes for audit purposes. Additionally, it facilitated the management of pricing options, district information, and school enrollments.

Phase 2 – Streamline With Automation
The automation phase focused on improving the scoring and data entry process. The primary benefits that this phase will provide are the ability to store and track student answers to individual questions which can eventually be tied back to curriculum standards. Scoring staff can now capture a snapshot of the answer sheets with mobile devices, reducing errors and saving time. The automated system calculates percentages, marks pass/fail, generates result pages with correct answers, and allows for personalized encouraging comments. This phase also introduced the option for immediate email delivery of results to students, eliminating the need for postage.

Phase 3 – Implement Reporting Capabilities
This final phase addressed the need for comprehensive reporting. The system now generates district/school reports, student listings, and lesson completion results reports. These reports, which are customizable and exportable to CSV, provide participating districts with valuable insights into student performance, revenue generation, and program effectiveness.

Benefits and Results

The collaborative effort between their educational program team and our development team resulted in a modernized management system that not only addresses existing challenges but also positions the program for future growth and success. The enhanced capabilities of the system contribute to the program’s mission of supporting students in retaining essential skills over the summer, ensuring a smoother transition into the next school year. The implementation of the new Education Impact Management System brought about significant improvements:


The streamlined system reduces manual efforts in data entry and scoring, leading to faster processing times and fewer errors.


The system’s compatibility with various devices enhances access for users, including parents, scoring staff, and administrators.

Cost Savings

Automation in scoring and results delivery reduces the reliance on physical mail, saving both time and postage expenses.

Data-Driven Insights

Integration with Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE) enables schools and parents to identify student strengths and weaknesses, facilitating targeted support.

Enhanced Reporting

The new reporting functionalities allow for in-depth analysis of student performance, district engagement, and program outcomes, aiding decision-making and future planning.

Self-service sign up

In the past, companies looking to purchase the uMap™ tool had to talk to the BU sales team. Now, companies ready to use this powerful tool can purchase the uMap™ tool online. The software walks the purchasers through an easy onboarding process to get them from purchase to up-and-running in very little time!

Create a unique uMap™

Creating a uMap™ is simple, yet very informative and inspiring. Each employee is guided through a series of questions that tap into both their professional and personal self.


The uMap™ software comes complete with features allowing managers to complete a review process using each employee’s unique uMap™. 

Gain insight through reports

When employees fill out a uMap™ there is a lot of information that could be very beneficial to their company. What training do their employees need? Who are the influencers in the organization? 

Great projects start with a great conversation.