Desktop software

We make customized desktop applications for your company’s unique business needs

Mutually Human’s desktop applications reflect the singular services your company provides. When you need to manage data, functions, and output in ways mass-produced applications can’t, we make powerful, custom programs that work specifically for you. We’re a custom application company that delivers solutions exclusively for your business.

Benefits of Desktop Applications

Even with the increased presence of web and mobile apps, a solid desktop program can still be the heart of your business’s daily operations. Our custom development company’s desktop software programs are tailored to fit the traits and rhythm of your specific business and can strengthen your company’s management and boost productivity. Your own desktop application has several tangible benefits that can give your business a huge competitive edge.

More secure than web apps

Your custom desktop program is safe from the dangerous outside world. Desktop applications keep your customers’ and employees’ valuable information in-house, limiting the risk of exposure, compromise, and theft that can happen on the internet. Mutually Human’s custom software for desktops ensure your most sensitive data and processes stay safely contained within your own computing environment.

Standalone software

You don’t always need the internet to get work done—in fact, your internal programs are often better off without it. Our custom desktop applications bring all the functionality you need without having to deal with connectivity issues, slow speeds, or outside distractions. Standalone software designed by Mutually Human works on your internal network, independently of outside servers.

Lower development and operational costs

Building a web-dependent application demands focus on outside dependencies: programming languages, front-end development, APIs and server fees. Custom apps for desktops require less attention to those factors. Features and functions are specifically designed for your unique needs and yours alone, which means less development cost. By keeping the program within your infrastructure, you avoid monthly or annual payments for expensive servers and external providers. Mutually Human’s custom software for desktops is a cost-effective solution.

Easier customization

Using mass-produced software binds you to its structure. Even if you can adjust small parts of it, you’re still limited in what you can do on a larger scale. Mutually Human designs custom desktop applications that reflect your specific setup and functional needs—meaning you have more control over the customizations you make to improve productivity. Our desktop apps make changes simpler and more convenient, and upgrades are available whenever you decide they are.

Improved scalability

“One size fits all” isn’t the best strategy for a growing business. When you need to expand operations or keep up with a growing customer base, you need your software to handle the change. Mutually Human’s custom apps for desktops help you keep pace with increasing business and meet expansion needs, without the limitations outside software might impose. You decide what’s manageable and possible, and your custom desktop application evolves as your business does.

More effective training

Training is crucial with new software. Learning a program requires time, effort and expense. If it’s a mass-produced, external program, that can mean hours in outside training or tutorials, time away from work, paying outside educational vendors, and studying extra tasks and operations you don’t really need to know. Mutually Human’s custom desktop applications are built according to your specs—meaning you’ll always know their capabilities from start to finish and can teach it to new users more quickly and efficiently.

Features Commonly Found in Desktop Applications

The more your software reflects the ins and outs of your unique business, the more power you have to control operations, manage efficiency and stimulate growth. As a custom desktop application company, Mutually Human takes common business tools and configures them to fit the nature of your specific work. Our custom-made software can transform your business by creating greater possibilities the rest of the crowd can’t offer.

Manage internal information
When your users demand the flexibility to work as easily from their phone or tablet as they can from their desktop, we’ll build you an app that can respond to those needs.
Manipulate data on a large scale
Information is only as meaningful as it pertains to your specific situation. Creating projections, generating statistics, changing information and organizing reports are easier when your software is suited to your specifications. Mutually Human builds desktop functions that put you in control over the data at the heart of your business, without limits or restrictions.
Construct visuals

Visuals are the most direct way to articulate the nature of your business. They’re the first impressions customers and employees get about your company. We build tools that help you harness how your business is represented, with advanced graphics, video and photo programs to give your business a clear and powerful image that’s all your own.

Coordinate resources

Businesses are comprised of multiple moving parts, and a well-run company has awareness of and control over its different departments and functions. Mutually Human creates software that helps you synchronize, integrate, and maximize the productivity of all your resources, from scheduling, employee and project coordination to marketing tools and budgeting programs—and everything in between.

Perform complex calculations

Every business has its own math. Even the most versatile mass-produced spreadsheet programs need a huge amount of manipulation to meet a business’s advanced arithmetic. Mutually Human constructs software that aligns with your mathematical and analytical needs, for guess-free and accurate calculations that give you command over the most complex scenarios.

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Desktop Application Process

As a custom application company, Mutually Human designs and prepares proprietary software that corresponds to the unique structure and vision of your company. Our dedicated process is carefully and deliberately calibrated to find solutions that fit your business and give you computing power that only you possess. However complex or complicated your computing needs are, Mutually Human is the desktop application company that can bring your vision to life.


We begin with sketches and wireframes designed to get the basic user interaction paradigms worked out. As part of our user-centered design process, these low fidelity tools make it easy to change rapidly and ensure our eventual solution will fit the need. 

Design Reviews

As the software we build emerges, you’ll participate actively by reviewing and giving feedback on design concepts before they move to development. You are always in control the look and feel of the experience you and your users will see. 

Minimal Viable Product

Your first phase with us won’t be a fully fleshed out implementation of your entire vision. Instead, we’ll work with you to limit scope to ensure we can get something of value in user’s hands as fast as possible. This real world feedback is critical to avoiding doubling down on a mistaken assumption. 

Continuous Testing

Having a high quality test suite is essential, but it means nothing if it’s not used. By running an automated test suite continuously as we build your application, we keep regression errors from entering the code base. 

Staging & Review

We’ll use staging servers before going to production so you can see and test features before they’re live. Every week, you’ll have a new version to examine and give us feedback on. 

No Down-time Deployments

Your business shouldn’t have to suffer outages due to routine software deployments. The overwhelming majority of our releases happen with no interruption to you or your users. 

Exception & Availability Monitoring

Although we write code that is robust and guards against errors, there is no such thing as perfect software. We use industry leading exception and monitoring tools that make sure we know of and can get working on any problems as soon as they surface. 


We build software to help you achieve your business objectives. Your web application will help you understand how you’re doing with the key performance indicators (KPIs) that define success. 

Want to learn more about our technical expertise?

Our broad skillset allows us to use the technology best-suited to meet your individual needs. When we’re acting as an extension to your development team, this means we’re likely already familiar with the tools your team is using.